5 Lakes Sexy Susan


5 Lakes Sexy Susan


As our gateway product the, Sexy Susan is built to last. It is the culmination of ten years of building a couple thousand Sexy Susans and continually improving the product. Your toughest decision will be deciding which one to purchase.


I also build versions that I stencil myself. Again, after building these for years I moved away from laser engraving to using the stencil. The stencil holds up much better over the years than laser engraving and the image remains clear and unmarred over years of use.


You may have seen me at Eastern Market or possibly a past event/show. I only work in Michigan these days, but can ship anywhere in the continental United States (INCLUDES SHIPPING). My shop is located in Albion, MI (approximately ninety minutes away from Eastern Market). You can order and pick up at Eastern Market as I am there most Saturdays. You can pick up your purchase at the studio if we’ve made an appointment in advance.

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